• PF 2025
    31. децембар 2024

    How was your year 2024? Are you looking forward to 2025, or do you have some hesitation? Whatever your answer is, we sincerely wish you a year filled with ease, kindness, courage, and humor. We hope that you will be brave to ask yourself the difficult yet important questions, and give your mental well-being the space to grow and flourish. We look forward to new connections, collaborations, and challenges in 2025!

  • Small December Joys
    4. децембар 2024

    In our team, we believe in the power of small joys – once again this year, we bought four different Advent calendars and truly enjoyed the little surprises behind each window throughout December. What holiday traditions do you have at work?

  • Dream of a Safe Home for Orphans
    30. новембар 2024

    At the end of November, we shared a special musical evening with our clients, colleagues, and loved ones full of kindness and support for a meaningful cause. We gathered in the unique setting of the Mirror Hall of the Primate’s Palace for a benefit concert by the group Fragile in support of the Integra Foundation and our heartfelt project – the completion of a safe home for 80 orphan children from the streets of Nairobi. Human Dynamic Europe has been a proud sponsor of charity concerts for the Integra Foundation for several years, and the full proceeds from the evening went toward making the children's dream of a home come true. You can view the progress of this project here: https://youtu.be/3ougtwPdyUs. If you would like to contribute to this project, you can donate at this link: https://integra.darujme.sk/koncert2024/ THANK YOU!

  • Visiting Friends at the Social Services Home
    21. октобар 2024

    Visiting our friends at the Šoporňa-Štrkovec Social Services Home is always a heartwarming experience for our team. Just minutes before our scheduled arrival, they are already at the gate, eagerly waving as soon as we appear and showing us the best place to park. As soon as we step in, they surround us, hug us, ask about news from Bratislava, work, and life. They remember our names and feel sad when someone from the team could not come due to illness or work. They welcome us with treats, play games with us, proudly show what they have created or learned, and tell us about their future home once the renovation of the building is completed. Their lives are far from easy, and their living conditions are not ideal, yet we always leave with smiles on our faces and our hearts full of joy and positive energy. Thank you, dear friends – see you next time!

  • A Gift of Joy
    26. јуни 2024

    Playing board games is not only about having fun; it is about a time spent together providing opportunities to play, train mental skills and patience, as well as the ability to cooperate and think ahead. When the Integra Foundation announced a fundraiser for didactic and board games for children in Ethiopia and Kenya, we were more than happy to participate, as we know that children who play have a better chance to become successful adults satisfied with their lives. If you would like to contribute to children's joy, you may at this link: https://integra.darujme.sk/detompreradost/ Thank you very much.

  • Our visit to the 18th edition of Štrkovecka Baronka
    10. април 2024

    Recently, we received a special invitation - our friends from the Soporna-Strkovec Social Services Home requested our presence to cheer them on at the 18th edition of Strkovec Baronka, a wonderful event where clients from Social Services Homes in the Trnava Region compete in dancing, singing, theatre and visual arts. In addition to laughter, genuine joy and the content feeling of tired hands after hours of enthusiastic clapping, we received an unexpected gift at the event - painted pictures by our friends that are now proudly hanging on the walls of our office. Thank you!

  • Christmas Benefit Concert for the Integra Foundation
    26. децембар 2023

    Human Dynamic partners, clients, colleagues and loved ones enjoyed a story of the 18-year-old Leila Lacho from her Nairobi visit of orphanages and a beautiful Janais Christmas concert followed by a networking rout to support the Praise Gate children's home project in Kenya. Praise Gate is now closer to fulfilling the dream of a safe place and a better future for 80 children who would otherwise spend their childhood on the streets of Nairobi. If you would like to join us in building a well or providing electricity for the children, you may do so here Gift of Hope.

  • Ping pong tournament Šoporňa - Štrkovec
    31. октобар 2023

    Guess who won the ping pong tournament recently? Our amazing friends from the Home of Social Services for Children and Adults in Šoporňa Štrkovec! They welcomed us again with open arms, warmth and generosity, sharing updates from their lives and their Christmas plans. Although they won the competition between our two teams, it was their enthusiasm and joy that was unbeatable. Each time we visit our friends, we are full of positive emotions, greater joy and immense gratitude.  

  • Special recognition as the Volunteer in the Social Services
    8. септембар 2023

    This summer HDE received one of the most valued awards. The Bratislava Self-Governing Region presented HDE with a special recognition as the Volunteer in the Social Services for continuous support at the Social Services Center of Professor Karol Matulay for (Autistic) Children and Adults. HDE director Miriam Lacho enjoyed the award ceremony tremendously: 'Being surrounded by people with various disabilities and those who for many years care for them daily with love and a huge heart, and listening to their powerful stories on this extremely hot day, was an exceptional and emotional experience for me, which only deepened the feelings of gratitude, humility and my desire to help the most vulnerable.'

  • Visit to the Home of Social Services for children and adults Šoporňa - Štrkovec
    7. август 2023

    Our first visit to the Home of Social Services for Children and Adults in Šoporňa - Štrkovec left us full of emotions and a promise to return. It happened this month - together with gifts and supplies for the residents of this beautiful facility. After enthusiastically examining sketchbooks, colored pencils and other creative supplies, we were invited to a petanque tournament. Although none of us at the HDE team played petanque before, the members of the home team proved to be excellent teachers. They got us excited about the game, created a great atmosphere, and spared no effort in encouragement and friendly teasing. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for another exceptional experience!

  • The visit to the Home of Social Services for Children and Adults Šoporňa - Štrkovec
    21. јуни 2023

    Affection, joy, feelings of closeness and gratitude for unconditional acceptance and new friendships. The visit to the Home of Social Services for Children and Adults Šoporňa - Štrkovec was an exceptional experience for our team, after which we left full of deep impressions, emotions and plans for further support and future visits. We would like to express our huge thanks for a special welcome, kind hospitality, authenticity and the opportunity to see the functioning and everyday life at the Home of Social Services. We look forward to the next time!

  • Volunteer days at the Karol Matulay center
    6. јуни 2023

    Community Service is important to our team at Human Dynamic Europe. We volunteered at two events at the Social Services Center of Professor Karol Matulay for Children and Adults (of primarily autistic spectrum). During the Athletic Day, we supervised various posts, encouraged participants and rewarded them with stamps. At the International Children's Day celebration, we held even more magical roles – assisted at the bouncy castle and supervised the big soap bubble post! We are honored to be a part of such meaningful events and thank the organizers and participants for every kind word and smile we were blessed with.