Martina Bezrouková

| Therapist | Consultant |

In her work, therapist Martina deals with a wide spectrum of problems that her clients encounter in their personal or professional lives. She helps them especially in the areas of: anxiety, panic, coping with stressful situations, social phobia, burnout syndrome, overload, pregnancy, parenting, psychosomatic problems, etc. She provides her clients a calm and safe place to share concerns, worries and progress. Consequently her clients can gain a conscious connection with their thoughts, emotions and body and influence life situations that seem difficult. The joint search for a new perspective can be a challenge and an opportunity for the client's personal growth. In therapy, Martina uses a cognitive-behavioral approach providing space for perceiving clients in their wholeness and shows the possibilities of how to help them cope with the life challenges. She consults in the Czech language.

Martina completed her Master's Degree in Special Pedagogy at the Faculty of Pedagogy of Charles University in Prague and is also a Certified Specialist in the field of Pedagogy - Parenting, which she graduated from the Higher Vocational School of Pedagogy in Svatý Jan pod Skalou. After completing her studies, she was given the opportunity to accompany families of children with disabilities, shortly after their birth, directly in their natural home environment (Early Care Service). She thereby gained valuable experience in the field of working with the family and supporting its members in coping with a difficult life situation. Her other practice included counseling within special education and leading a team of social services for people with mental and combined disabilities (Day Care Center). She is currently dedicated to supporting both formal and informal caregivers and is looking for ways to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities.  Martina expands her education with other trainings and courses such as: training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at the CBT International Institute Odyssey, Basic Crisis Intervention course, Early Care Counselor, Crisis Moments in the Life of Families with a Disabled Child, Interview in Helping Professions, Sexuality and Relationships of People with Disabilities or training of Experts in the Positive Behavior Support Method.