Irena is a therapist who works with children from the age of 11, with teenagers and adults who find themselves in a challenging life situation, want to participate in change and manage the situation better. She fully respects the individuality of each individual and the search for one’s own life path. She specializes in counseling for children in the field of educational and learning difficulties, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, changes in family composition or adaptation difficulties. In adult counseling, she supports various topics, such as emptiness, depression, anxiety, emotional difficulties, crises in couples’ life, low self-esteem or personality development. She consults in the Czech language.
Irena graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Special Education and a Master's Degree in Andragogy at the Jan Amos Comenius University in Prague. She completed her education in the field of Teaching the elementary and secondary schools at Charles University in Prague. She completed a long-term self-experiential psycho-dynamically-oriented psychotherapy training focused on working with children and is currently in supervisory training. Irena worked for 18 years as the 2nd grade teacher and also as a preventer of unwanted pathological phenomena. After starting the self-experience training, she reconsidered her career path and joined the House of Open Possibilities as a social therapist, where she worked for 5 years. She works as an educational consultant at an elementary school, where she works with children and families.